
In case of problems, you can fill in the form, print it and fax it to Stéphanie Landrain (see the address below).

Your registration will be effective once the payment will be done. A confirmation email will then be sent.

Early registration must be done before February, 28th.

The registration fee are 150 euros for students and 225 euros for non students (before Februrary 15th).
After February 15th, it costs 225 euros for students and 300 euros for non students.

Travel grants might be provided for a few students (see below).

Travel Grant

PAM 2007 will be able to provide a limited number of grants to students to attend the conference and participate in the PAM Student Workshop on April 4th. Requests for travel support should be submitted via e-mail by February 9th.

Requests for travel grants should comprise the following information:. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be given by February 13th.

Methods of payment

Two methods of payment are allowed.

International funds transfer

Here is the needed bank information:
IBAN: BE35 0015 0793 6637
Service Financier
Place de l'Université 1
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Please, don't forget to mention your first name and last name.

Credit card

Don't forget to include a copy of your student card if you are registering as a student.

In case of problem, do not hesitate to contact Stéphanie Landrain.


Stéphanie Landrain
Université Catholique de Louvain
Département INGI
Place Sainte Barbe, 2
1348 Louvain-La-Neuve
Phone: +32 10 47 24 25
Fax: +32 10 45 03 45